Heat and Temperature

1 mark question
1. Define heat.
Ans: Heat is a form of energy which gives the sensation of warmth or coldness. It is also defined as the total sum of kinetic energy of each molecules present in a substance. 
2. Define heat according to molecular theory.
Ans: Heat is the defined as the total sum of kinetic energy of each molecules present in a substance.   
3. Write two factors that affect heat energy.
Ans: The factors affecting heat energy are: 
        i. Number of molecules
       ii. Speed of molecules
      iii. Types of molecules  
4. What is temperature?
Ans: Temperature is a measure of hotness or coldness of a body. It is also defined as the average kinetic energy of molecules present in a substance.
5. What is the SI unit of heat and temperature?
Ans: The SI unit of heat is Joule(j) and SI unit of temperature is Kelvin(K).
6. Write down the effects of heat.
7. On what factors does the quantity of heat of an object depend?
8. Mention the freezing and boiling point of mercury and alcohol.
9. What is anomalous expansion of water?
10. Define heat capacity.
11. Define specific heat capacity.
12. Write down the relation among °C, °F and K.
13. Define heat according to kinetic molecular theory.
14. What is the meaning of specific capacity of a substance is 140 J/Kg°C?
15. What is meant by 1 calorie heat?
16. What is the body temperature of healthy human? Write in °C and °F.
17. What is thermometric liquid?
18. State principle of calorimeter.
19. What is thermometer?
20. What are the most commonly used thermometers?
21. Show the relation between Joule and Calorie.
22. At temperature does water have maximum density?
23. At temperature does water have minimum volume?
24. Write down the principle of thermometer.
25. What is the boiling point of water in Kelvin scale?
26. Name the instrument which is made on the basis of expansion of heat.
27. Write the relationship between heat gained or lost by an object with its mass.
28. What is the relation between joule and calorie?

2 marks questions
29. What is heat equation? Prove it.
      Prove that: Q =msdt
30. Write down the two effects of heat.
31. Write down any two differences of heat and temperature.
32. The steam produced from boiling water burns more than boiling water, why?
33. Why does frost bite occur in mountain climbers?
34. When hot iron is kept in cold water, the temperature of iron decreases, whereas temperature of
      water increases, why?
35. Write down the cause that the night desert is very cold and day of that is very hot.
36. What change in volume and density of water will be observed when it is cooled from 10°C to
37. A beaker is full of water at 4°C, single drop of water can't be added to it. What happens when
      beater is heated or cooled? Why?
38. Write down the differences between laboratory and clinical thermometer.
39. Differentiate between heat and temperature on the basis of kinetic molecular theory.
40. Why a mercury thermometer is used to measure the high temperature and an alcohol thermometer
      to measure the low temperature?
41. Define upper fixed point and lower fixed point of a thermometer.
42. Write down the advantages of using mercury as thermometric liquid.
43. Write down the advantages of using alcohol as thermometric liquid.
44. Why water is used to cool the heated engine of motor car?
45. Why are gaps left between adjacent rails of railway?
46. We use water in hot water bag instead of oil, why?
47. Why constriction is made near the bulb of a clinical thermometer?
48. At what temperature does water have maximum density? When
      water freezes, what happens to its volume?

3 marks questions

51. Which one of the following contains a high amount of heat and which one has high temperature?
      Explain with reason.
        a. A bucket full of boiled water
        b. A burning matchstick.
52. At what temperature is the density of water is highest? If the water with that temperature is
      cooled, what is its effect on density?
53. Index is being used in minimum and maximum thermometer. Give reason. Write one use of this
54. Equal amount to oil and water are given equal amount of heat, which substance will have high
      temperature and why? They are heated up to equal temperature, which one will have high heat
      and why?

4 marks questions
55. Write the definition of one calorie heat. Find out the heat and the temperature of the given
      substance with kinetic energy of molecules as shown in figure.
56. Study the figure and answer the following:
      i. What is the direction of flow of heat and why?
      ii. If the stopper is opened, what will be the equilibrium temperature?
57. Study the given table and answer the following:
Specific heat capacity
100 J/Kg°C
200 J/Kg°C
300 J/Kg°C
         i. If equal mass of these substances are heated to equal temperature, which one will have highest
            amount of heat and why?
       ii. Among three substances, which one is more suitable to be used as thermometric liquid? Give
58. Study the given table and answer the following:
Specific heat capacity
1000 J/Kg°C
2000 J/Kg°C
500 J/Kg°C
       i. If equal amount of heat is supplied to equal mass of these substance, which one will be the
         hottest? Give reason.
      ii. If equal masses of these substances are heated up same temperature and kept on wax slab. 
          Which one will penetrate it the most and Why?
69. The specific heat capacity of three substances are given in the table. Answer the following:
       i. Specific heat capacity of substance C is 910 J/Kg°C. What does it mean?
       ii. Which substance will gain more temperature while heating the equal mass of the all
           substances with equal amount of heat?
       iii. Which will pierce up to maximum depth while keeping the equal mass of the substances
            heated at the temperature of 100°C on a wax slab and why?



  2. Q NO 3
    Any two factors that affect heat energy are:
    1.air temperature
    2.high humidity

  3. Q NO 4
    Temperature is a measure of hotness or coldness of a body.

  4. Q NO 5
    The SI unit of heat is joule(j) and SI unit of temperature is kelvin(K).

  5. Q NO 6
    The effects of heat are:
    1.heavy sweating
    3.increase in air temperature

  6. Q.NO.7
    The quantity of heat of an object depend on measure points.They are:
    1.The change of temperature.
    2.The mass of substance.
    3.The substances and the phase of substance.

  7. Q.NO.8
    Frezzing point of mercury is -38.83*C.
    alcohol is -114.1*C.

    Boiling point of mercury is 356.7*C.
    alcohol is 78.37*C.

  8. Q.NO.9
    The Anomalous expansion of water is an abnormal property of water,nearby it expands instead of contracting when the temperature goes from 4*C to 0*C,and it becomes less dense.

  9. Q.NO.10
    Heat capacity is a physical property of matter, defined as the amount of heat to be supplied ta a given mass of a material to produce a unit charge in it,s temperatue.
    It,s SI unit is kelvin.

  10. Q NO 7
    the quantity of heat of an object depends on:
    1.The change in temperature
    2.The mass of the system
    3.The substance and phase of substance

  11. Q.NO.11
    The specific heat capacity,of a substance is the heat capacity of a sample of a substance divided by the mass of the sample.

  12. Q NO 8
    freezing point:(-37 degree celsius)
    boiling point:(356 degree celsius)
    freezing point:(-112 degree celsius)
    boiling point:(78 degree celsius)

  13. Q NO 9
    The anomalous expansion of water is an abnormal property of water whereby it expands instead of contracting when the temperature goes from 4 degree C to 0 degree C, and it becomes less dense.

  14. Q NO 10
    The ratio of heat absorbed by a material to the temperature change is called heat capacity.

  15. Q NO 11
    The ratio of heat absorbed by a material to the temperature change,in calories per gram is called specific heat capacity.

  16. Heat is a form of energy which gives us the sensation of warmth or coldness

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Qn 11
    The specific heat capacity of a substance is the heat capacity of a substance divided by the mass of the sample

  19. Q no 13
    The kinetic molecular theory of heat state that molecules in a fluid increase their speed as temperature increases. Heat is the total internal kinetic energy of a system.And temperature is the average kinetic energy.

  20. Q no 15
    1 calories of heat is define as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of pure water by 1degree C

  21. Q no 16
    The body temperature of healthy human is 98.6degreeF (37degreeC).

  22. Q no 17
    The thermometer in which mercury and alcohol are used as thermometric liquids, then it is called liquid thermometric.

  23. Q no 18
    The principle of caloriemeter state that"when two bodies at different temperature are in thermal contact,heat flow from hotter to colder body".

  24. Q no 19
    Thermometer is a device which is used for measuring the temperature of a body.

  25. Q no 20
    Digital thermometer is the most commonly used thermometer.

  26. Q no 21
    The relation betn joule and calories is:

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Q no 24
    The thermometer works on the principle that "when a body is heated,it expand and contracts on cooling".

  29. Q no 25
    The boiling point of water in kelvin scale is 373.2k.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Q no 3o
    Any two effect of heat is :
    1) It increases volume.
    2)It changes state

  32. Q no 31
    Difference betn heat and temlerature:
    1) Heat is the form of energy which gives sensation of coldness and hotness.
    2) Its SI unit is joule(J)

    1)Temperature is the degree of hotness and coldness of body.
    2)Its SI unit is kelvin(K).

  33. Q no 42
    Advantages of using mercury as themometric liquid:

    1) Mercury has very low saturation vapour pressure.

    2) It is possible to measure higher temperatures as in cooking.

  34. 2 MARKS QNO.30 (YASH) THE two effects of heat are given below;
    i. change of state
    ii. change in temperature

  35. Q NO 22
    Water have maximum density in 39.16 degree F.

  36. Q NO 23
    Water have minimum volume in 4.0 degree celcius (C).

  37. Q NO 26
    The instrument which is made on the basis of expansion of heat is thermographs.

  38. Q NO 27
    The relation between the heat gained and the heat lost by the object is The amount of heat lost by the warmer object is equal to the amount of heat gained by the cooler object. The warmer object's temperature will drop and the cooler object's temperature will rise until they reach the same temperature.

  39. Q NO 28
    The relation between joule and calorie is one calorie equals to 4.2 joule.

  40. 1 marks qno 1
    Heat is a form of energy that produces the sensation of warmth and flows from hot body to cold body. It is produced due to the vibration of molecules. When molecules vibrate faster more heat is produced.

  41. 1 marks QNO2
    according to the Kinetic Molecular Theory of Heat ,the molecules in a fluid increase their speed as temperature increases

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  43. 1 marks Qno 4
    The temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.

  44. 1 marks QNO5
    The SI unit of heat is joule(j).
    SI unit of temperature is kelvin(K).

  45. 1 marks qno3
    Any two factors that affect heat energy are:
    1.air temperature
    2.high humidity

  46. 1 marks qno6
    the effects of heat are
    a. increase in volume
    b. rise in temperature

  47. 1 marks qno7
    the factor on which the quantity of heat of an object depend are
    a. Average kinetic energy of molecules of the body.
    b. mass of a body

  48. 1 marks Q NO 8
    freezing point:(-37 degree celsius)
    boiling point:(356 degree celsius)
    freezing point:(-112 degree celsius)
    boiling point:(78 degree celsius)

  49. 11
    ANS :SPecific heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat required to raise
    the temperature of it through 1C (or 1K )

  50. The steam produced from boiling water burns more than boiling water because Steam produces more severe burns than boiling water even though both are at 100oC because steam contains more heat, in the form of latent heat, than boiling water.
